Friday, November 11, 2005

More brilliance from Alan.

Thought I'd toss this up. Issue #5 cover.

Again, genius.

Got the issue# 6 cover as well that I'll toss up next week.

I love what Alan is doing with the coloring on the covers. Very dark with lots of olive and brown colors.

Simply terrific.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Keep those cards and letters coming!

Haven't posted in a while. The real world invades and I shuffle along making excuses.

But, alas, I digress...

I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who dropped me a line at the Lost Squad Mail Call email (and I know the name has been used before - it's a hat tip to my favorite comics from my youth). The response has been terrific!

We're going to collect the emails and try and put out a letter page in issue #4. Here's the email if you want to give us a shout out - mailcall AT lost-squad DOT com.

Got some new cover images to post here in the next couple of days and I hope to have an update on the issue #2 ship date. I also want to do a bit of breakdown on some of the little easter eggs and inside jokes I dropped into issue #1 and maybe put up a little prose piece about Captain Boudreau giving some insight into his back story.

So stay tuned!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jazma Online review of LS#1.

The fine folks at Jazma Online have posted a review of LS #1.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dark, But Shining.

Kevin Melrose over at the excellent Dark, But Shining horror blog asked me to write a guest essay about what scares me. Check it out here. True story.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tomorrow is the day!

FINALLY!! Issue #1 hits the stands tomorrow.

A BIG thank you to all readers and retailers who pre-ordered the book.

Got my comp books today and I couldn't be more pleased.

It was terrific when FREAKSHOW finally came out, but I gotta admit this is even better.

Hope you all dig it! We've set up an email addy for letters, comments and complaints. Drop us a line at mailcall AT and let us know what you think. We're planning on having a letters page starting with issue# 3.

Also, stay tuned for more updates.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Broken Frontier reviews LS #1.

Eric Lindberg's review of LS #1 is up over on Broken Frontier. He likes what he sees. Give it a read over here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Release date pushed back to Oct. 26.

While we're all basking in the glow of the solid review from Newsarama (did I mention that it was over here?) , we here at Lost Squad Command HQ thought we'd spring a bit of bad news on the LS Army of Fans: the book's been moved back another week.

Looks like #1 will hit stores Oct. 26.

While I initially was disappointed that we were skipping December, it now looks like it'll all come out in the wash as Issue #2 will hit in November, #3 in December and #4 in January to space out the releases. It'll be as if you never knew we were late.

Newsarama gives Lost Squad #1 some love.

Troy Brownfield got a gander at a preview copy of issue #1 and gives the book a thumbs up in his Best Shots column on Newsarama.

Make with the clicky and give it read.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Issue #2 in the can!

Just uploaded the issue# 2 pages to Devil's Due.

We're ahead of schedule for those keeping score at home.

This issue clocks in at 26 action-packed pages! How's that for 295 of your hard-earned pennies?

Still not convinced? Gaze upon the talent of Alan Robinson, then!

Here's the first four pages:

Big kudos go out to Kel Nuttall for the execellent lettering and tweaks to the book!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Issue #1 release and December previews.

First off, we're late.

Issue #1 won't hit stores until Oct. 19. Long story. I take full responsibility.

The good news is that the book is really looking sharp and Devil's Due are excited by what they're seeing. I get the feeling we're starting to generate a bit of buzz.


December previews. We ain't in it.

Don't panic. Everything's cool. Issue #4 will be released in January. We're taking the month off to reset the schedule and make sure everything gets back on track.

I have something like 90 pages of artwork for the next few issues, so we're actually WAY ahead. But, with the delay of issue #1, we wanted to space out the releases instead of pushing the product out the door right on the heels of the previous release.

Issue #5 is out in February and Issue #6 - the BIG finale! - will be out in March.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Issue #4 cover

Just got this from Alan.


Hopefully, we're gonna surprise people with where the story is going.

Issue #4 is the big reveal about the exact natue of the SYBIL device that the Nazis have aboard the train. It'll spin our little yarn in a completely different direction.

The mission is about to change.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Comic Book Resources interview.

The interview I did with Dave Richards is up over at CBR.

It features the nine page preview from issue #1 as well as some art from issue #2 and covers to the first three issues. It's also got some spoiler-ish info about a few of the characters.

Check it out here.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Bride of Freakshow review at Newsarama.

Allow to me wander off topic for a sec.

Troy Brownfield of gives my little horror anthology Bride of Freakshow the once over and digs what he sees in his Best Shots over at Newsarama.

Read the review here. Scroll down to the bottom of the article, Bride is the last book reviewed.

Thanks, Troy!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Lost Squad Interview up at Jazma Online.

Richard Vasseur and the fine folks at Jazma Online have posted an interview with me about the Lost Squad. Coupla little character tidbits and juicy plot secrets thrown in there for fun.

Ma am blabby. Go lookie here.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Flirting with disaster

Check that out.

That's our bad guy from issue #1.

When I wrote the panel description for page 17 in the first draft of the script, I let Alan know that I wanted a big ass splash panel with an evil-as-hell horseman like you'd see on a Molly Hatchet album cover.

Now, Alan's like 24 (update: he's 27. Sorry, Alan.) and lives in Chile. There's like a .5% chance he knows what the hell I'm talking about. Hell, most of you probably don't know what I'm talking about. Here's a google image search for Molly Hatchet.

See what I mean?

I changed the panel description so Alan would understand what I wanted , but he still read my mind.

I see you! Don't be shy, gimme a shout out!

Getting some nice traffic to the site and I'm pleased, but don't be shy! Speak up.

We've had visitors from all over - Mexico, Chile, Finland, Spain, Australia and the great white north of Canada. Let me know who you are. Say hey!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Alan Robinson - stand clear of the blast!

In my opinion, you'll never confuse Alan Robinson's artwork with someone else's. Alan's stuff just seems to "pop" in a unique way. I was drawn to his artwork immediately when I saw the samples he'd posted on the Digital Webbing message boards.

I approached Alan back in 2002 about fleshing out the weird WWII adventure story that I had rolling around in my head. I wanted to do a slam bang eight page story for the Digital Webbing Presents anthology with the thinking that, if we struck a chord with readers, we'd follow that up with a long form project.

Well, we struck a chord.

Readers dug the idea and concepts and, of course, Alan's artwork. So, here we are on the verge of the debut issue of the six issue mini-series. I'll save further details for subsequent posts. Right now, this is all about Alan and his fabulous artwork.

A native of Chile, Alan is a freelance artist just starting out in comics.

Believe me when I say he's about to blow up.

Give some of these images a look and click on over to his website to check out his stuff. It's truly amazing and unique work.

It's always nice to work with someone talented, but it's been terrific working with Alan, who is also a truly good guy.


That sound was Alan headed into orbit.

Newsarama and The Pulse.

Comic book news site Newsarama has the Lost Squad press release. Each news item gets its own comments thread. Click on over to weigh in on the book.

UPDATE: The Pulse has also picked up the press release. Comments are appreciated.

Friday, September 02, 2005

First nine pages of Lost Squad #1 online.

Devil's Due has tossed up the first nine pages on their site for anyone to check out.

Take a look here.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lost Squad reporting for duty.

Welcome to the online journal for THE LOST SQUAD comic book published by Devil's Due Publishing. Issue #1 hits stands in late September.

The book is a cross between SGT. ROCK and HELLBOY or THE DIRTY DOZEN as written by H. P. Lovecraft.

Check out the solicitation page over at Devil's Due for the debut issue and for issue #2 and issue #3.

Make sure to ask your comics retailer to order copies! Multiple copies!

Diamond order codes:
Issue #1 - JUL05 2799
Issue #2 - AUG05 2873
Issue #3 - SEP05 2895

Preview images forthcoming. Stay tuned...