I wasn't going to sell the nine copies of the Lost Squad trade that I had, but I sold out of Issue #1 on Friday and people were interested in grabbing the entire six issue run. So, I put the books out on Saturday and seven were gone in the first hour. I could have sold another 20 or so if I'd had them.
Reaction to the book has been very strong and I appreciate all the kind comments from readers. I can't thank you enough for picking up the book and giving us a read. One reader picked up the first three issues of the Operation: Crystal Ball storyline and came running back for the rest to have something to read while in line for the DARK KNIGHT panel.
I was set up next to my bro, Kody Chamberlain. We had fantastic booth placement along the back wall of Artist's Alley. Kody was next to superstar Bill Sienkiewicz and I had inker Rodney Ramos on my left. The rest of the row included Mike Norton, Tony Moore and B. Clay Moore - a very solid group. Spot the imposter in that row!
Kody and I hung a bit with Bill Sienkiewicz on Friday night and listened as he told old war stories and talked artistic technique. Great guy and it was an honor to meet him.
I had a great time hanging with some of the Kansas City comics guys - writer Ed Lavallee (REVERE), the GEARHEAD guys - writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Kevin Mellon. Sean Dulaney made it up Friday night and stuck around until Sunday. Glenn Jeffers made it out Thursday and Friday to have a few cocktails.
The Devil's Due crowd were fantastic as always. Thanks to Josh Blaylock, Tim Seeley, Sam Wells and Susan Bishop.
Met a bunch of great people. Phil Kost is the military adviser for Devil's Due and the G.I. Joe comic. Terrific guy. He sent me this picture of he and I by the Lost Squad banner. Phil's on the left. I'm the dork on the right. I must have run into him about thirty times Friday and Saturday night at the Hyatt bar.
Jeffery and Tonya, Kody's pals from Louisiana went to dinner at Gibsons' Thursday night with Kody and I. Great people.
Good to see Jon Malin, Dash Martin, Ryan Stegman, Erik Rose, Joe Judt, Jeff Stevenson and Matt Silady.
Stood around late Saturday night/Sunday morning listening to Kody and B. Clay Moore talk about the comics biz and the reality of it. Clay's a good guy who knows his stuff, so I just listened and absorbed. Also, I was kinda drunk, so that had something to do with not jumping in on the conversation.
Said hey to IDW guys hanging at the Hyatt - Chris Ryall, Nick Stakal and Chuck BB. I wanted to talk a bit with Chris about projects and such, but I figured it was bad form and just said hello. I'll try and drop him an email.
John Siuntres of the WORDBALLOON podcast came by and did a quick hit from the con floor for an upcoming podcast. I can only hope I don't sound like a complete moron. John's podcast is terrific. Give it a listen.
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people and I apologize.
Good to see Jon Malin, Dash Martin, Ryan Stegman, Erik Rose, Joe Judt, Jeff Stevenson and Matt Silady.
Stood around late Saturday night/Sunday morning listening to Kody and B. Clay Moore talk about the comics biz and the reality of it. Clay's a good guy who knows his stuff, so I just listened and absorbed. Also, I was kinda drunk, so that had something to do with not jumping in on the conversation.
Said hey to IDW guys hanging at the Hyatt - Chris Ryall, Nick Stakal and Chuck BB. I wanted to talk a bit with Chris about projects and such, but I figured it was bad form and just said hello. I'll try and drop him an email.
John Siuntres of the WORDBALLOON podcast came by and did a quick hit from the con floor for an upcoming podcast. I can only hope I don't sound like a complete moron. John's podcast is terrific. Give it a listen.
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people and I apologize.
UPDATE: Dammit! I forgot to mention a couple of great DW message boarders. Mike Kasinger (MEK71) on the boards dropped by the table and picked up a Lost Squad trade. Send me a Lost Squad pin-up MEK and I'll see if we have room in the next issue.
I got a terrific Zombie Hulk sketch card from Rich Molinelli, who's always a blast to talk to as well as his significant (more significant?) other Samantha. I'm going to do my damnedest to make it to New York next year just to hang with them. I'll scan the card and send it your way, Rich.
Also got to meet Dirk Manning of Newsarama and NIGHTMARE WORLD fame in the flesh and in costume. Nice guy. Good to finally meet you, Dirk!
Thanks to everyone who bought comics or just came by to say hello.
Looking forward to next year.
Hey Chris,
It was cool meeting you at Chicago.
Thanks for hanging onto one of the Trades for me to buy. I still plan on drawing something for you.
It was a great time meeting and talking with you about Lost Squad.
I am a fan of it now and want more.
Bob M
Damn, man I forgot to mention you in the con report. Let me update! Love to see some Lost Squad pin-up art from you sometime. Feel free to shoot it my way. Good seeing you!
Bob M -
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the book!
We're working on more stories!
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