Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Howdy, folks! Yup, I see you lurking...


Checking my web stats I notice that not only is traffic up dramatically since the two cons, but we've also got a slew of media types checking out the site.

Now, this is where I go to ramble on about the book and stuff surrounding it and most people already know about the book when they digitally saunter on over here. It can be a bit disjointed and you might not get the gist of the book.

So, for our new friends checking things out and who want to know more about the Lost Squad, here are some handy links to introduce you to the book.

Here's the Comic Book Resources interview for the Lost Squad launch that I did back in Sept. '05. It features a terrific nine page preview of Issue #1 along with some unlettered artwork from Issue #2.

You can also check out the five page previews that DDP puts together for each issue by clicking the links below:

Issue #3
Issue #4
Issue #5

Reviews are scattered throughout the archives, but the latest is Steven Grant's quick shot about LS #4. Scroll down to near the bottom of the page.

Back issues are available at your finer comic shops. Check out the Master List in the sidebar to find a shop near you. You can also order online by clicking over to the Devil's Due webstore.

And thanks for clicking by! I appreciate the interest. You can always contact me with questions and comments by dropping my an email at mailcall AT lost-squad DOT com. I'd love to hear from you.

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