Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jazma Online review of LS#1.

The fine folks at Jazma Online have posted a review of LS #1.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dark, But Shining.

Kevin Melrose over at the excellent Dark, But Shining horror blog asked me to write a guest essay about what scares me. Check it out here. True story.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Tomorrow is the day!

FINALLY!! Issue #1 hits the stands tomorrow.

A BIG thank you to all readers and retailers who pre-ordered the book.

Got my comp books today and I couldn't be more pleased.

It was terrific when FREAKSHOW finally came out, but I gotta admit this is even better.

Hope you all dig it! We've set up an email addy for letters, comments and complaints. Drop us a line at mailcall AT and let us know what you think. We're planning on having a letters page starting with issue# 3.

Also, stay tuned for more updates.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Broken Frontier reviews LS #1.

Eric Lindberg's review of LS #1 is up over on Broken Frontier. He likes what he sees. Give it a read over here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Release date pushed back to Oct. 26.

While we're all basking in the glow of the solid review from Newsarama (did I mention that it was over here?) , we here at Lost Squad Command HQ thought we'd spring a bit of bad news on the LS Army of Fans: the book's been moved back another week.

Looks like #1 will hit stores Oct. 26.

While I initially was disappointed that we were skipping December, it now looks like it'll all come out in the wash as Issue #2 will hit in November, #3 in December and #4 in January to space out the releases. It'll be as if you never knew we were late.

Newsarama gives Lost Squad #1 some love.

Troy Brownfield got a gander at a preview copy of issue #1 and gives the book a thumbs up in his Best Shots column on Newsarama.

Make with the clicky and give it read.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Issue #2 in the can!

Just uploaded the issue# 2 pages to Devil's Due.

We're ahead of schedule for those keeping score at home.

This issue clocks in at 26 action-packed pages! How's that for 295 of your hard-earned pennies?

Still not convinced? Gaze upon the talent of Alan Robinson, then!

Here's the first four pages:

Big kudos go out to Kel Nuttall for the execellent lettering and tweaks to the book!